
Best Cardio Equipment for Home

January 15, 2022

Ready to get the energy going with cardio at home? Don’t worry, no beep test here! 

There are lots of easy cardio exercises you can do at home where if you just spend 5 or 10 minutes on it, you are already making great progress. And there is different cardio equipment for your home gym that you can try, depending on your budget and space availability. 

Easy cardio to do at home

First, let’s see what kind of cardio you can do at home. Cardio exercises mean increasing your heart rate so you can improve your cardiovascular health. Cardio is often tied to conditioning, where you are aiming to improve your heart over time so when you run for the 10th time, your heart rate is already lower than when you run for the first time. 

Here is a list of easy cardio exercises you can do at home:

  • Burpees: feel free to adapt by eliminating the push-ups and doing as many as you’d like

What is the best cardio equipment for home?

There is great cardio equipment out there. Consider what kind of exercise you enjoy and can commit to doing on a regular basis and start your decision there! Here is a sample list of cardio equipment you can consider purchasing for your home gym:

  • Exercise bikes range from air bikes to spin bikes and can be as little as $200 and as much as $2000 for a Peloton!

  • Air bikes, in particular, are great for cardio although they are sometimes called the devil’s tricycle for how intense they are

  • Rowing machines are awesome for both cardio and for training your back. They can 

  • Jump rope: while awkward at first, you’ll be pleasantly surprised how quickly your body adapts and you’ll be able to do fun tricks in no time!

  • Biking: whether on an exercise bike or on your bicycle in your neighborhood

  • Running doesn’t have to be a terrible experience: start out without any gadgets and just focus on getting out there, whether you are using a treadmill or just your street. You can do sprinting, interval running, long-distance, or light jogging in nature. even be water-based and fully simulate the real rowing experience. (link to the previous blog)

  • Treadmills can also be a great way to add in more cardio to your day, whether you just walk or run or sprint! (link to the blog above about treadmills)


When deciding how to get started with cardio, remember to start small so you can implement a sustainable lifestyle change! Consider your budget and space before purchasing a big piece of equipment too.

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